
Simple Steps to Refer a Patient to Silverstone Hospice Care

At Silverstone Hospice Care, we understand the complexities of making a hospice care referral and are committed to assisting you every step of the way. We offer a streamlined referral process and can accept referrals electronically, by fax, e-fax, or phone. We can also visit you to gather necessary information and provide a detailed introduction to the services that will be needed prior to a procedure or discharge from a medical facility.

To develop a high-quality, comprehensive plan of care, we will request the following information upon referral:

  • Patient demographics
  • Insurance name and policy number
  • Physician order for hospice care
  • Patient medication list
  • Pertinent clinical documents (such as a history and physical)

Our goal is to make the referral process as smooth and efficient as possible, ensuring a seamless transition into hospice care for both the patient and their family.